Arch List Packages Installed From Aur
Here's a good one. Thought this would be easy but thought it over and then looked around a bit and haven't found anything. There's might just be an easy way to do this that will make me.bonk. my head in the morning but I haven't found it yet. I'm looking to be able to just list the packages I have installed from AUR and not any that I have gotten from the official repos. I've checked out some utilities in AUR (like AURcheck) but as far as I can tell they just look for AUR updates. Anyone know of a way to do this?
Ubuntu List Packages Installed
Last edited by Gen2ly (2009-10-30 14:32:22). Pacman -Qqm lists foreign packages; which, for must users, means AUR pacman -Qqe lists packages that were explicitely installed. That said, pacman -Qqe grep -v '$(pacman -Qqm)' pacman.lst and cat pacman.lst xargs pacman -S -needed -noconfirm are the best backup/restore lines i've seen (don't remember where i got them tho). That will install only the packages you don't have installed already as well as pull in any needed deps.
After that, -Syu and you're good to go. /edit: typo Last edited by brisbin33 (2009-07-18 21:37:32). I just got to reinstalling and this was a lifesaver - it worked great. Thank for the help, brisbin, ghost, Allan.
@Ghost, I would have used packup but I had a couple downgraded packages and I wanted to be able to troubleshoot it. The tip about the grep -v doing 'shortnameplus' was a good tip, Profjim. I hadn't read this last post before and during the reinstall I was a bit surprised nvidia wasn't installed so. All is good now.
I recently installed about 20 different icon and theme packages from Arch repository. After testing them I decided to remove most of them. However, it took me.
I created a script to be able to create the backup list and restores from it simliar to ghosts and am able to run it in cron job. Probably not a big deal, but. Here it is for anyone that can use it.
There are three types of requests that can be filed in the Package Actions box on the package details page:. Orphan Request: Request a package to be disowned, e.g. When the maintainer is inactive and the package has been flagged out-of-date for a long time. Deletion Request: Request a package to be removed from the Arch User Repository. Please do not use this if a package is broken and can be fixed easily.
Instead, contact the package maintainer and file orphan request if necessary. Merge Request: Request a package to be merged into another one. Can be used when a package needs to be renamed or replaced by a split package.
If you want to discuss a request, you can use the mailing list. However, please do not use that list to file requests. Submitting Packages.