Program Directia Pasapoarte Cluj
Serviciul Public Comunitar pentru Eliberarea si Evidenta Pasapoartelor Simple Cluj pune la dispozitia clujenilor posibilitatea de a se programa online atunci cand vor trebui sa depuna actele pentru eliberarea pasapoartelor. Incepand de luni, 28 martie 2016, cei care doresc sa efectueze o programare online trebuie sa acceseze pagina web:, si sa introduca urmatoarele date: nume, prenume, e-mail, tipul pasaportului sau a serviciului solicitat, numar rezervari (numar persoane) si optional anumite detalii.Dupa introducerea datelor, pe adresa de e-mail specificata se va primi un mesaj de confirmare.Daca in decurs de 10 minute nu se face confirmarea, rezervarea va fi stearsa. In cazul in care se face confirmarea se va primi pe e-mail un al doilea mesaj care va contine pe langa data si ora programarii, numarul bonului de ordine si codul unic, ambele fiind necesare a fi prezentate la ghiseul de preluare a actelor. Clujul gazduieste in acest weekend cea de-a patra editie a Festivalul Transylvania History Days UBB isi deschide portile pentru viitorii studenti O noua reprezentatie pe strada Zaracatan: cel mai frumos show de echitatie din Romania se joaca din nou in weekend!
Performs the verifications and inserts mentions into the records with regard to the (re)setting of the domicile in Romania of Romanian citizens domiciled abroad. Serviciul Public Comunitar pentru Eliberarea si Evidenta Pasapoartelor Simple Cluj pune la dispozitia clujenilor posibilitatea de a se programa online atunci cand vor.
La Cluj-Napoca incepe azi cel mai mare Street FOOD Festival din Romania Tot ce trebuie sa stii pentru a te distra la maxim la Electric Castle Programari exclusiv online pentru inmatricularea provizorie a vehiculelor. Ghiseu distinct numere rosii. The Street FOOD Revolution - cel mai mare Street FOOD Festival din Romania ajunge acasa, la Cluj-Napoca Incepe un weekend plin de muzica buna si relaxare la Cluj. Jazz in the Park propune zeci de concerte in parc S-a deschis Podul Traian din Cluj-Napoca dupa aproape un an de zile Apa potabila pentru clujeni pe durata caniculei Jazz in the Park, ziua 2: Dhafer Youssef la Opera Maghiara, concursul international de, concerte in strada si la Pata Rat UBB scoate la concurs aproape 2.000 de locuri in extensiile universitare.
. the identity card, the temporary identity card or, as the case may be, the identity bulletin.
Such documents must be valid and provided in original. The temporary identity card must be accompanied by the birth certificate, in original;. the proof of passport fees and of the additional tax payment, in original;. the prior passport, in original, if any.
NOTE: the application is accompanied by two identical color photos of the holder with dimensions of 3.5 x 4.5 cm, in case of persons who temporary lack the capacity of exercise and who are not present upon the lodging of the application. B) IN CASE OF CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 14 WITH DOMICILE IN ROMANIA. the child’s birth certificate, in original;. identity documents of both parents or of one parent, of the legal representative or, as the case may be, of the empowered person. the child’s identity card or, as the case may be, the temporary identity card, valid documents in original. declarations of consent for the child’s passport issuing are given in front of the passports officer who is taking over the application, case when the identity documents of both parents, of one parent or of the legal representative, in original, must be provided;.
declarations pertaining to the consent for issuing a child’s passport given in different conditions than those provided above must be authenticated, when in the country by the public notary, and abroad by Romania’s diplomatic missions or consular offices or by the foreign authorities, case when the provisions of the art. 7 of the Government Decision no.
94/2006 for the approval of the Methodological norms for enforcing the Law no. 248/2005, as subsequently amended and supplemented, must be enforced;. Court decisions given abroad must fulfill the conditions provided by the law for being recognized and enforced. the application is accompanied by two identical color photos of the holder with dimensions of 3.5 x 4.5 cm, in case of persons who temporary lack the capacity of exercise and who are not present upon the lodging of the application.
COLLECTING THE TEMPORARY PASSPORT This travel document is collected from the public community service or, as the case may be, from Romania’s diplomatic missions and consular offices abroad by the holder personally, by the person who filed the application or by the person empowered by special power of attorney complying with the conditions provided by the art. 9 of the Government Decision no.
Program Directia Pasapoarte Bucuresti
94/2006, as subsequently amended and supplemented.