Interfata Windows In Romana.msi
Articole din pachet de limba romana pentru windows xp. Windowsul printr-un simplu fisier.msi, in limba Romana. Interfata windows xp in limba romana.
For those who are not familiar or have problems with interface XP in English, The simplest solution is to install of the pack XP in Romanian. In tutorial below will help you download and to installing interface XP in Romanian. INTERFACE DOWNLOAD WINDOWS XP IN ROMANIAN Interface download package XP Language Romana.msi has only 4.98 MB -. Language pack. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR WINDOWS XP IN ROMANIAN With these installation instructions Romanian language do not need to have advanced knowledge of PCs. Just follow these steps carefully.
Save Fiser of link download above, then double-click it to start installing. In the first installation window will ask if you agree or disagree with these terms and conditions. You must check 'accept the terms in the license agreement' and then click on the button ' Next'.
Ininte installer will need to close all open programs on your PC (, Video Player, etc.). After closing programs click on 'Next' to start the installation process Windows Language Interface Pack in Romanian. Wait until the installation is completed. Upon completion of installation Romanian language will appear in the next dialog box that will confirm that the installation was successful: 6.
Interfata Windows In Romana
Click OK and then click 'Yes' to reboot (restart) operating system. The operating system is restarted, will be in Romanian. Message ' Welcome'. Windows XP interface in Romanian: It is the simplest solution to change the operating system language and move from English to Romanian.
Interfata Windows 7
For users who want to pass Windows7 operating system in Romanian, the solution is at the following address:.
Interfata In Limba Romana
De multe ori si eu am zis ca sunt tradusi unii termeni aiurea. Dar dupa ce am invatat engleza mi-am mai schimbat parerea. In plus, cine traduce, traduce. Un cuvant/termen tradus nu are cum sa fie la fel ca cel netradus. Depinde numai de cat de capabil e omu’ sa “suporte” traducerea. Daca e prost si i se pare ca pentru englez/american “desktop” inseamna altceva decat “birou”, n-am ce-i face.
Pe de alta parte daca am cere traduceri complete/corecte/etc ar trebui ca unii termeni sa fie tradusi cu totul altfel. Ca sa folosesc acelasi exemplu, “desktop” ar trebui tradus cu “panoplie” sau mai exact “deasupra biroului” 😉.